Dear Never Trump “Experts” and Media Members- You Tried Your Best

Well it’s happened- or at least the first half of this marathon. Donald J. Trump has all but become the Republican presidential nominee after Ted Cruz elected to suspend his bid at some point during his rehearsed rambling last week after his loss in Indiana, and the guy I had forgotten was still in the race- John Kasich dropped out from a race the American people clearly told him he was never in. Sorry Ben Shapiro, S.E. Cup, fasting Glenn Beck, Amanda Carpenter, Megyn Kelly, and the rest of the Never Trump “experts” and media pundits- the guy you attempted to tell us ad nauseam could never be seriously considered for President of the United States is now the only Republican left standing. I would just like to say that I told you so, or better yet- we told you so. No need to apologize though because we don’t want your apologies, not that we’d ever expect self important establishment know it alls to concede to “low-information” voters like us.


GOP Presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz Holds Indiana Primary Night Gathering
Republican candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) hugs wife Heidi and father Rafael after dropping out of the presidential race following Indiana defeat


You guys never really listened did you? Or maybe you just had no interest in listening since you seemed to have it all figured out from the start. When he announced his bid around this time last year you all laughed and informed us it was just to increase his brand recognition (like he really needed that). When he had strong debates and rallies but then lost the first state of Iowa – (a state in which Ted Cruz and campaign purposely sabotaged Ben Carson- I’m looking at you Amanda Carpenter)- you were already ready to give him his death sentence as a contender. You asked how can someone who is all about winning now recover from losing his first competition- a state of course in which Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee had won the last two election cycles making it totally irrelevant. Anytime Mr. Trump won a primary you were all immediately dismissive of it, and went with the flawed “but he can’t even get beyond the 35 pct threshold, so how is he going to unify the party!” … while there were still multiple candidates of course.


An Anti-Trump protestor rips a “Make America Great Again” sign in half in Chicago during heated Trump protest.


You tried to discredit his connection with the American people from the start, chalking it up to good marketing and “catchy slogans” but lacking any real substance while naturally not holding the other candidates to the same standard. You guys really tried your best didn’t you? You made him out to be a racist, sexist, fascist, hate monger with your not-so- transparent use of media manipulation thinking the majority of American people would eat it up. You told us he was a racist because he was endorsed by David Duke – as if he is somehow responsible for every person who supports him (how about all of the criminals who support Hillary). Then there was the supposed protest in Chicago where paid for protestors charged his rally-to give off the perception that he incites violence and if he can’t control a rally how can he run the United States of America. Believe me, we caught you that night and boy did it backfire.


Reporter Michelle Fields being held back by Trump employee Corey Lewandowski. Michelle Fields has had a history of questionable accusations in the past.


Then there was the whole Michelle Fields fiasco- where my buddy Ben Shapiro encouraged her to claim she was “thrown to the ground” by Corey Lewandowski for one bad news cycle for Mr. Trump. You made him out to be guilty before innocent and DEMANDED Mr. Trump cave in and fire his loyal employee. Of course Donald Trump didn’t, because he’s strong and fact checks- something you Never Trump people would know nothing about. You’ve linked him to Hitler- someone who killed 6 million Jewish people- which is astonishingly offensive and ignorant, and discredits the seriousness of what happened to all those involved. The bottom line is- you didn’t listen, you never listened to the American people because you were all too busy listening to yourselves. Well the people have spoken, and Donald Trump is now one step closer to becoming the President of the United States of America- keep your ears covered.


Author: Stephen M. Scott

Ad man, Mad Man, Entrepreneur, Poet, Political Writer- Creator of ctnpolitics and founder of Change the Narrative. We don't see color or race, we just see an oppurtinity to make this country great again. Follow me on Twitter @Trump_Row

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