What Bill Kristol Doesn’t Want You to Know

Over this past Memorial Day weekend, someone whose become fairly irrelevant to the Republican Party and political scene in general started tweeting, hinting at the possibility of a third party candidate to go up against Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Gary Johnson. Now for those who are Never Trump Republicans, this was potentially exciting news, even if you knew it ultimately wouldn’t put a non-Trump Republican in the White House, as it is simply not realistic at this stage of the game. In fact, I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning twice while writing this piece, than a Republican outside of Trump has of winning the election. This past Sunday, Bill Kristol sent out the following tweet, (@BillKristol) “Just a heads up over this Memorial Day weekend: there will be an independent candidate–an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.” 29 May, 5:00 PM. So while the Never Trump Republicans read this tweet while cooking their burgers on the grill and giving out a mini fist pump in celebration, Trump supporters glossed over the tweet with a sarcastic laugh and a roll of the eyes, thinking to themselves, “here we go again”.


Bill Kristol Tweet
Pictured: Kristol tweeting out the news there will be a strong independent candidate running, presumably to appease the Never Trump Republicans. We’ve seen this act play out before.


Here we go again is right- a man with an overestimated sense of self worth and influence was now telling the American people that despite what the polls have been telling us for months, Donald Trump isn’t the best Republican candidate after all, because he says so. That even though Donald Trump surpassed Mitt Romney’s 2012 popular vote total a month and a half ago (a jilted Politician whose been very vocal in his support of helping Kristol find a man to take down Trump) he has a man “better” for us.


Trump Vote
Pictured: Trump surrounded by thousands of supporters at California rally, which is a common occurrence for Mr. Trump. Trump surpassed former Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s popular vote total almost two months ago, but Bill Kristol apparently believes he knows better than all of you.


Do we really need to play this scene again before knowing how it’s going to turn out? Did you see how this worked out for the Never Trump organization earlier in the year, or when Mitt Romney went on his badmouthing tour of Trump? Apparently not. The more likely scenario is that Kristol is highly tuned into the election cycle but simply doesn’t care what the American people want.  He would rather spit in the face of the American citizens who have a right to vote, than pop a whole in his bloated ego and concede to millions of voters across the land. He and his Never Trump followers will let you know theirs is a “noble” cause in protecting the American constitution, while ironically leaving out the fact that it is disrespecting the will of the voters and the democracy of our land.  One thing Trump and his supporters have discovered throughout this election process, is the degree to which many politicians and people involved in the political class lack self-awareness, combined with an overinflated sense of importance. It is one ignorant and disturbing combination.


So who exactly is Bill Kristol? Kristol is a Harvard graduate and currently the founder and editor of the political magazine The Weekly Standard, (a magazine financed by Rupert Murdoch) a highly conservative magazine. He has also routinely made guest appearances on the popular news networks, FOX News and ABC, where he has provided political commentary and insight. The newest man attempting to take down Trump has quite the political resume, as he became the Chief of Staff to the Vice President under Dan Quayle during the George Bush Sr. administration. Kristol was known as the “brains” behind Quayle. However Quayle was known for making some of the most absurd statements in political history, and was widely seen as the weak link in the Bush-Quayle ticket during the 1992 election-a big part of the reason Clinton and Al Gore prevented Bush from winning re-election.


Pictured: Vice President Dan Quayle with then President, George H. W. Bush. Kristol served as Quayle’s “brain”during the Bush Sr. presidency, where Quayle was seen as simply being overmatched for the position, and often provided the media nonsensical quotes.


Kristol was also one of the biggest and earliest proponents of the Iraq war, joining other foreign policy analysts in authoring a letter to Bill Clinton in 1998, insisting on the urgency in which we needed to invade Iraq. His support of George W. Bush’s decision to go into Iraq never wavered, as he wrote a book with Lawrence F. Kaplan entitled, “The War Over Iraq: America’s Mission and Sadaam’s Tyrrany” in which the two authors justified the decision, which resulted in many lives being lost and no weapons of mass destruction being found. The Iraq war was such a disastrous decision in that even those Republicans who once supported the decision acknowledge just how unnecessary and dangerous it was for our country in the long run. The ultra conservative predicted before the war started that it would only last two months. It seems as though Mr. Kristol and Hillary Clinton saw eye to eye on this issue at the time. Perhaps Kristol has taken personal exception to Mr. Trump’s bold but accurate assessments of Bush’s decision to invade Iraq?

Pictured: Two U.S. soldiers in Southern Iraq in spring of 2003. Kristol was vocal in his support of the Iraq War, claiming we would find weapons of mass destruction-Instead we had almost 5,000 of our own killed, with no weapons of mass destruction to be found. Trump has been outspoken in his disapproval of Bush’s decision to invade Iraq, insinuating Bush may have even lied about his reasoning behind the decision.  (Source- Arlo K. Abrahamson. (RELEASED)


Years after the Iraq debacle, Mr. Kristol  endorsed John McCain in 2008 (someone Donald Trump has had harsh criticisms in the past for), where he served as a foreign policy advisor to McCain. The Never Trump conservative was very outspoken in his support of Sarah Palin being his running mate, a decision that many were perplexed by at the time, and perhaps what ultimately did Mr. McCain in during his 2008 election vs. Barack Obama.


Kristol- Sarah Palin
Pictured: Presidential hopeful John McCain in 2008, clapping on his Vice President selection Sarah Palin. Kristol was unwavering in his support for Palin to become the VP, a decision that ultimately backfired.



He’s also been very outspoken as a political commentator, making numerous bold claims while often missing the mark. Among some of his predictions were, “Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single Democratic primary. I’ll Predict that right now”, he declared shortly before the 2008 Democratic Presidential race began. Well Mr. Kristol, we all know how that turned out, as Barack is now on the verge of finishing his second term as President, while Hillary eight years later, is still fighting to become the first female President ever. Another political prediction Kristol made was in defense of his support for the Iraq war. “The Iraq War will declare who was right and who was wrong about Weapons of mass destruction” , Kristol defiantly stated. Of course we never were able to find any weapons of mass destruction while in Iraq, and Donald Trump has gone on the record saying,  Bush knowingly lied about there being weapons of mass destruction in the first place, a claim that has undoubtedly rubbed Kristol the wrong way. Doubting Donald Trump’s ability to be an effective Commander-in-Chief, would just fall in a long line of political commentary misses Kristol has made. I’ll make a bold political prediction myself- this isn’t going to work out for you Mr. Kristol.


Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
Pictured: Hillary Clinton on the victory tour with Barack Obama in October of 2008, after Obama defeated her to become the democratic nominee. Kristol stated that Obama wouldn’t even win a single primary. It seems as if making bold predictions and misfiring is a consistent pattern of Mr.Kristol’s. (Source-AP Photo/John Raoux, File)


For a man to be so certain that Donald Trump isn’t qualified to to lead this nation, his previous predictions sure aren’t a strong indicator that he’s correct in this assessment. Mr. Kristol seems to be a lot more bark than bite, boasting with his chest out, but becoming nothing more than background music, much like Mitt Romney and the other politicians that have attempted to knock out Trump.  So who was the man at the end of Kristol’s mastermind plan to take Donald Trump down? It had to be someone pretty special after all the anticipation Mr. Kristol built up for his loyal Never Trump supporters.


It was none other than David French, political writer for the National Review, and fellow Harvard graduate (noticing a theme here?) Mr. French is also an attorney with a concentration in Constitutional law, and a veteran of the Iraq war. First of all, French could be a perfectly nice gentlemen and is clearly very intelligent. I also have nothing but the upmost respect for anyone who has fought for our country in any capacity, so a tip of the cap to you sir.


David French
Pictured: David French-the man selected to take down Trump and run on a third party ticket. French is currently a political writer for the National Review, an Iraq veteran, and a constitutional lawyer.


However, after doing some research on Mr. French since I admittedly knew almost nothing about the man, I stumbled upon a piece he wrote for the National Review in mid-March, and it made me cringe as I found it to be highly disturbing. The piece was entitled “Working-Class Have Moral Responsibilities–In Defense of Kevin Williamson”. In the article, Mr. French dissects and breaks down an earlier piece written by a colleague of his, Kevin Williamson. In the piece, Williamson argues that the white working class (who they ignorantly claim to be the vast majority of Trump’s supporters) are anything but victims, while making huge generalizations and glossing over many very real problems they face. The most disconcerting part in all of this is that Mr. French essentially agreed with the argument Mr. Williamson was making. It was one of the most offensive and questionable pieces of “Journalism” I’ve ever read, and the man Mr. Kristol is putting his money on to help defeat Trump, agreed with its assertions.

The first paragraph written by Williamson and dissected by Mr. French, reads as follows, “It is immoral because it perpetuates a lie: that the white working class that finds itself attracted to Trump has been victimized by outside forces. It hasn’t. The white middle class may like the idea of Trump as a giant pulsing humanoid middle finger held up in the face of the Cathedral, they may sing hymns to Trump the destroyer and whisper darkly about “globalists” and — odious, stupid term — “the Establishment,” but nobody did this to them. They failed themselves.”


Homeless- Kristol
Pictured: A veteran looking seemingly hopeless while sitting on bench. The Vets who served for our freedom, have been greatly abandoned by the Obama regime. Trump promises to take care of our deserving troops-something that has appealed to the working white class throughout the country.


He goes on to make more offensive claims, letting white people know-their problems have nothing to do with immigration, natural disasters, or the up and down economy of the past few decades, but everything to do with their inability to make responsible decisions and their never ending love for the booze and drugs.

The last paragraph French looks at, reads as follows- “The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul.”

French responded to the above paragraph with some interesting and perhaps controversial points as he stated, “Simply put, Americans are killing themselves and destroying their families at an alarming rate. No one is making them do it. The economy isn’t putting a bottle in their hand. Immigrants aren’t making them cheat on their wives or snort OxyContin. Obama isn’t walking them into the lawyer’s office to force them to file a bogus disability claim”.


Oxycontin 2 SH jpg_
One of the main reasons for the narcotic/prescription drug epidemic in this country, stems from outpatient doctors and psychiatrists willingness to prescribe these medications so easily, as the big bank pharmaceutical companies benefit greatly from it. This is something Trump has mentioned on numerous occasions as he knows these pharmaceutical companies only care about making money.  (NEWS Photo by Scott Haskell)

Yes David French, this is clearly all white peoples fault. There are zero white people in these lower to middle class areas that are struggling to find jobs due to the economy and plethora of immigrants replacing them due to cheaper labor. There aren’t immigrants crossing the border every day, being rewarded and given grants, loans, public housing, disability, and food stamps, essentially living off the government- while veterans who served for the freedom of this country continue to be abandoned by Barack Obama, forcing them to have to scratch and craw everyday just to get by. These damn white people with their Oxycontin and love for the bottle-it can’t at all be possible that addiction is a serious issue facing this country, that it isn’t a “dumb decision” due to a lack of personal responsibility, but a real brain disorder that’s exacerbated by depression.  You don’t think it’s at all possible there is a serious problem in this country involving doctors and psychiatrist’s overprescribing highly addictive prescription drugs- because the big bank pharmacies benefit financially in the end do you? Our country would never take greed over the personal well being of their people would they? 


Now of course there are people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and have no one to blame for their failures and problems but themselves. This is certainly the case for many people of all different socioeconomic backgrounds and race, (white working class included)- But to equate their desire for a Donald Trump presidency with the pleasure one gets from a highly addictive and dangerous drug, is beyond ignorant. I know Mr. French didn’t say this part, but he certainly could have disavowed it and didn’t during his explanation (notice the irony?).

You don’t think it’s at all possible Trump’s immigration policies that put the best interests of the American people first have something to do with their support for him do you? It certainly couldn’t have anything to do with his vow to take care of the Veterans who have served for the freedom we now enjoy daily, could it? Or perhaps his stance on the problems we face with addiction in this country, resonating  with thousands of working white class Americans, and people of all backgrounds and races- as many American people have family members and friends affected by this horrific disease. Perhaps many white working class Americans actually acknowledge there is a drug epidemic within their community and wish for Donald to do his best to take care of this problem the best way he can, as some desperately need it to get out of the whole their currently in- Donald offers these people real tangible hope, something I know you cannot wrap your head around Mr. French. Donald lost his older brother Frederick to alcoholism, this is real life for Mr. Trump, not a show. No it couldn’t at all be that, it’s your fault working white class America- well your’s and Donald’s obviously.


Trump Brother
Pictured: An old picture of Donald Trump and his family. Donald (second to the right) lost his older brother Frederick (far left) to alcoholism at far too young of an age. This is one of the reasons Trump has been the only presidential candidate so outspoken on the addiction issue.

After looking into his history, perhaps Mr. Kristol’s borderline obsession with taking down Trump and doing anything within his power to prevent the Republican nominee from becoming the next President of the United States of America, has a lot more to do with having a personal axe to grind with Trump, than it does with doing what is best for the country. Perhaps he just can’t get over the fact, that the man he has been loudly declaring for months isn’t suited to run our country, has been emphatically denied by millions of Americans. After all, any vote that doesn’t go to Trump but rather French, is a vote for Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt politician in the history of politics, making it impossible to make the argument this could be what is best for our country. Throwing your support behind a candidate who seemingly blames white people for all their problems, while pretending the problem of immigration isn’t a contributing factor to what these suffering working white class communities go through, certainly isn’t gonna get the job done, nor is it whats best for this country. These working white class communities have suffered enough, for they have already had Obama overlook and disrespect them for eight years, they certainly don’t need a know it all Republican treating them with the same lack of respect now. The good news is, if Mr. Kristol’s past predictions are any indicator of how this thing  will turn out, Mr. Trump will be helping out these working white class communities that so desperately need it, while sitting in his White House office.

You see, what Bill Kristol doesn’t want you to know is that behind the “I’m the smartest man in the room” facade, that he arrogantly shares with Barack Obama, Mr. French and countless other politicians, there is a man who has been far from perfect all of his life, despite what he would like you all to believe. Appointing David French to take down Donald Trump is just his next mistake. So please Mr. Kristol, go away-not because we’re afraid of David French- not close, but because we’ve seen this act before and we know how the scene ends. For we need a unifier, that is Mr. Trump, not a white hating holier than thou divider, that is Mr. French. I wouldn’t expect you to ever understand though, given your clear lack of self awareness.







Author: Stephen M. Scott

Ad man, Mad Man, Entrepreneur, Poet, Political Writer- Creator of ctnpolitics and founder of Change the Narrative. We don't see color or race, we just see an oppurtinity to make this country great again. Follow me on Twitter @Trump_Row

2 thoughts

  1. “. . . someone whose become fairly irrelevant to the Republican Party . . .”

    Mr. Scott, be clever, but please, please always be correct. It diminishes your message considerably when errors such as this appear.

    And this (above) was in the FIRST line of the FIRST sentence of your article.

    Not an auspicious beginning.


    1. Hey Phillip – “Mr. Scott, be clever, but please , please always be correct” – please get over yourself- it’s not like this was a sentence about statistics or FACTS- this point cannot be argued bc it is my personal opinion. The national review is on its way down and Mr. Kristol just made a horrendous selection for the American ppl that shows just how disconnected and irrelevant he’s become. You’re comment is beyond condescending and it’s clear you’re a never trump republican. I’m sorry things have gone as poorly as they hey have for you but cheer up buttercup .. Maybe in 8 years the Reoublican establishment will have groomed someone by then to replace Mr. Trump. Bill Kristol is that you? With your condescending know it all tone who thinks writing a comment like that on my wall is appropriate- did you go to Harvard too?


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