The Truth About Donald Trump and His Supporters

Donald Trump supporters are not racist. We are not uneducated, we are not sexist, we are not ignorant, we do not hate, we do not discriminate. We are only truth seekers who want what is best for the country and we believe in true democracy. We aren’t victims, we are not apologists, we care more about honesty and morality then we do political correctness. We don’t like corruption, we see past the mainstream medias deception and believe it is in our country’s duty to take care of itself before other countries. We love people of all color, we want African Americans to succeed, legal immigrants to prosper and we want to work together. We do not protest others rallies, we do not spew lies. We simply see a man with no alterior motives or special interests to appease and only the American voices to listen to. We don’t give into race baiting, we don’t make race an issue, we love this country and we love eachother.

African American Donald Trump supporter rejects the claim Trump is a racist, and requests for the constant race baiting to end.

Our candidate doesn’t use African Americans as votes like Hillary. He doesn’t hide behind religion while cheating on his wife and dislike gays like Ted Cruz. He doesn’t blame successful people for all the countries problems and expect them to just throw away all their money to the rest of the country like Bernie. He hasn’t been part of the political establishment family who has cared more about wealth, power, sex and deception then making actual positive changes for the country like Hillary. He didn’t go celebrating a victory in a state in which its own citizens (some of which fought for our countries freedom) couldn’t vote like Ted Cruz. His daughter doesn’t charge $600,000 to speak publicly like Chelsea. He doesn’t claim to have the lower income households best interests at heart while being funded by the big banks like Hilary.

Ted Cruz being introduced by pastor Kevin Swanson mere seconds after giving gay hate speech

He doesn’t accuse the wealthy of being greedy like Bernie when the pure definition of being greedy is just expecting things to be handed to you by those wealthier. He doesn’t claim to be a feminist and accuse other candidates of being women haters after 30 years of enabling and intimidation tactics to Bills victims like Hilary. He just wants this country to be the best country it can be. He wants to make it more difficult for illegal immigrants to come into this country… Not all immigrants just the ILLEGAL ones. He wants to take care of our veterans who served for our freedom and have been abandoned by the last few administrations. He wants us to take the problem of addiction more seriously which has ruined lives and families of all socioeconomic backgrounds and race. He understands it’s a systematic issue, and to get African Americans back on their feet he must create opportunity.


Donald Trump comforts wounded veteran at Iowa rally. The support for Trump amongst veterans has been very strong across the country

We want someone whose a family man, a great father with amazing kids and grandchildren. Someone who isn’t being controlled by Washington D.C. and therefore has the citizens best interests at heart. Do a little research people, don’t fall for the deception. Donald Trump isn’t the reason racism exists, he’s not the reason we’re 18 trillion dollars in debt, and he’s not the reason we are divided as a country. What exactly has voting for the establishment canidate / career politician done for us the last thirty years? Think for yourself and don’t let others do the thinking for you. Change The Narrative.


Author: Stephen M. Scott

Ad man, Mad Man, Entrepreneur, Poet, Political Writer- Creator of ctnpolitics and founder of Change the Narrative. We don't see color or race, we just see an oppurtinity to make this country great again. Follow me on Twitter @Trump_Row

3 thoughts

  1. Great article. Good to see your publication out now before the entire world jumps on this train


  2. I would love to change the narrative. It used to be “Trump can’t be serious, can he?”. Now that he will be the GOP nominee, the narrative needs to be changed to “Trump is too dangerous, unstable and unprepared to do the job. He must be stopped, and his ideas repudiated.”

    This short, four paragraph article contains grammatical errors, run-on sentences, made up words, misspelled words and improper uses of basic English, yet you say you are “not uneducated”. You either could not pass a junior college level course in composition, or you are too uneducated in the use of software to run your work through a spell-checker before publishing. Here are some of the more obvious examples:

    “we are not apologists” Apologist means “a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial”, and the whole post is written as a defense, so apparently, yes, you are an apologist. “no alterior motives” The word is ulterior. ” give into” – Should be “give in to”. Several uses of “countries” instead of “country’s” The word “systematic” used when “systemic” is meant.

    But let’s leave the massacre of English to examine some of the assertions. You’re not racist? Fine, but your candidate is. Here are 9 examples of Trump being racist in public, dating back to 1973: Or sexist? Here’s 11 examples:
    Chelsea Clinton’s speaking fee varies, but has never been above $65k, not even close to $600k. In any case, are we voting about the candidates themselves, or about their children?
    The reason Trump doesn’t hide behind religion is because he lies about being a religious person, and is unfamiliar with the Bible:
    You believe in true democracy? Okay, but the USA is a Republic. In a true democracy, the people vote directly on all issues and laws, while in this country we elect representatives to do that for us. Switzerland is the only developed country that operates as a true democracy, in case you want to move after Trump is defeated.

    I do agree that doing research is a good idea, but I think you need to do a LOT more of it yourself instead of asking others.


    1. You really need to find something better to do with your time Mikey. I appreciate constructive criticism but not outright bashing. Thank you for proving once again liberals think they have all the answers. I mean seriously what would compel someone take the time out of their own life to write a comment like this? What happened to you in life that made you so bitter and miserable? Your critique of my piece is borderline psychotic and downright nasty – something you all accuse Trump of being. You know it’s interesting – so many of the anti Trump people are quick to jump on Trump for being a hater, bully, hate monger-> but it’s literally ALWAYS those that oppose his views that are just that- total ignorant bullys. This is what the left side of politics has become-> pretend you’re caring and politically correct until it doesn’t fit your agenda. That’s why at Trump rallies you see Trump supporters minding their own business to see their choice of candidate speak at an event he fully paid for, and then the “tolerable, loving, peaceful” Anti-Trump protesters come in to “see Donald Trump speak” aka provoke violence, punch Trump supporters, burn our American flag, bash cop cars with Bats- oh man it’s so politically correct and tolerant I can hardly handle it… But I’m sure you find that totally justifiable.

      Oh and also your critique of my grammar-well psychotic critique, is what’s wrong with this country. You’re like the elitist establishment RNC who still thinks it’s 1930. Just like Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, the Bush brothers – I’m sure you’re very pleased with the education you received and you seem to share the same sense of overinflated self worth and self importance they have.

      The funny thing is your comment totally helps my argument. So Mikey, you miserable miserable man- thank you for your comment. I hope you find something more satisfying to do with your life in the future, and find happiness instead of wasting so much energy on someone’s Trump post who holds you with literally zero respect. God bless :).


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